Alliance Connect Options
AT&T offers you an end-to-end SWIFT connectivity service. Based on the selected Alliance Connectivity option we offer you all required network service components. AT&T is your sole interface to order, deliver and maintain the network solution.
SWIFTNet Alliance Connect solutions are based on the following 2 components:
Enhanced VPN service elements (secure physical transport):
Network Port offering international connectivity to the SWIFT VPN
Local leased line between your location and the EVPN in-country network node
Managed Cisco router at your location
Juniper SSG-5 VPN devices (managed and provided by SWIFT): SWIFT provides and maintains the VPN boxes to guarantee security. Important: AT&T can carry out the initial VPN Box installation along with the network installation.
The following Alliance Connect options are available:
Alliance Connect Silver
Alliance Connect Gold
Alliance Connect Silver
Alliance Connect Silver offers SWIFTNet connectivity through:
a private (leased line) connection to the nearest AT&T POP as a prime channel and
a public Internet connection as a back-up channel.
The prime private connection uses the AT&T’s secure MPLS network to connect to SWIFTNet.
The Internet back-up is based on the public Internet. The Internet connection has to be provided by the customer (wiring, router). Customer may reuse an existing Internet connection to create a cost effective back-up path for AT&T’s private connection. The VPN boxes are co-located and interconnected via a local Ethernet segment
This configuration is depicted below:
Customer Advantage:
The standard Alliance Connect Silver configuration protects against a failure of AT&T’s router, private connection or the VPN box through automatic fall-over to the Internet back-up channel.
Alliance Connect Gold
Alliance Connect Gold offers Network connectivity for higher volume customers requiring the highest resiliency and service levels. Connectivity to SWIFTNet is achieved through two Leased Lines of the same capacity.
The VPN boxes are co-located and interconnected via a local Ethernet segment.
Customers will have a choice between two options:
1) Alliance Connect Gold configuration provided by AT&T: AT&T provides 2 private connections terminating on 2 different AT&T nodes and using 2 different last mile providers. This configuration is depicted below:
2) Alliance Connect Gold configuration provided by AT&T and another network partner: the customer can buy one connection from AT&T and the second connection from another SWIFT approved network partner, however this setup provides less diversity in the access line network. This configuration is depicted below:
In both cases the VPN boxes are co-located and interconnected via a local Ethernet segment.
Customer Advantage:
The Alliance Connect Gold configuration protects against a failure of the Network Partner’s router, access line and the VPN box through automatic fall-over to the second line.
By leveraging the AT&T international managed network, Alliance Connect Gold offers the highest resiliency and service level.
With Alliance Connect Gold it is possible to split InterAct and FileAct traffic from Browse traffic and to route it over the second link, effectively load sharing the traffic on both links.
Ordering Information
You order the Network (Enhanced VPN) connectivity portion directly from your local
AT&T contact
You order the desired VPN box configuration (the hardware and hardware maintenance) from SWIFT when placing your SWIFT e-Order to obtain Alliance software licenses
AT&T can install the VPN boxes in the desired setup; AT&T works closely with SWIFT to provide you a with an all-in network and VPN box configuration
SWIFT provides you a 3-year VPN box replacement service: SWIFT will provide telephone assistance for swapping the Juniper boxes in case of failure.