AT&T LNP Port Out Procedures

3.0 LSR Overview

The following are the procedures associated with requesting an LNP Port Out from AT&T. These procedures will be used for requesting LNP Port Outs where TNs reside on AT&T’s network. When procedures differ between the AT&T Digital Link or AT&T Local Network Services, the difference is clearly indicated; otherwise, they should be assumed to be the same for AT&T Digital Link or AT&T Local Network Services. Requests for TN’s residing on the Incumbent LEC (ILEC) network and being resold to AT&T under an UNE-P configuration will be rejected and should be directed to the ILEC.

To determine whether a port out request should be directed to AT&T Digital Link or AT&T Local Network Services, the gaining LEC should check NPAC to verify the SPID of the current service provider for the telephone number[s] (TNs) to be ported. The AT&T Digital Link SPID is 7421; AT&T Local Network Services SPID is 7125. If there is not an active record at NPAC, the gaining LEC should check the OCN in the LERG to determine who is the current service provider. Requests should be sent to the applicable contacts identified below.

The following outlines the LSR porting process.

PLEASE NOTE: For ADL (SPID 7421), if the customer is completely disconnecting AT&T ADL (Local, T1 and LD), in addition to sending an LSR, the ADL Disconnect Desk must be contacted. See section 3.21 for details.


Note 2: This process is also used to initiate a Code Migration Out, with the exception of steps 7 through 12. When submitting the LSR, please indicate, in the ‘Remarks’ section, “Code Migration Out”.

Step Responsibility Activity
1. New LSP Completes LSR and sends it to AT&T’s center. (Please see section 3.2.)
2. AT&T Receives LSR and reviews for accuracy and completeness.
If error, GO TO STEP 3.
If correct, GO TO STEP 5.
3. AT&T Rejects LSR request and provides reason for reject.
4. New LSP Corrects errors and re-submits LSR to AT&T.
5. AT&T Will return a LSR confirmation with Due Date and order number within
24 hours (Local Network Services / Business VoIP) and
48 hours (ADL).
6. AT&T Issues necessary internal orders to port away TNs.
7. New LSP Submits Pending Port Request Subscription
8. AT&T Will issue a Confirmation Request (optional)
9. AT&T Will initiate an Unconditional Ten Digit Trigger 24 hours prior to port
If Coordinated Hot Cut is desired, GO TO STEP 13
10. New LSP Completes Port Request If port date will be missed a supplement or
cancellation is expected. (Please see section 3.9 or 3.10.)
11. AT&T Removes translations, unlocks E911, sends care records.
12. New LSP Locks E911, sends care records

Orders requesting CHCs will follow the same process flow as non-CHC requests. However, the following steps should be followed starting on the day before the due date.

Step Responsibility Activity
13. New LSP Contact AT&T 24 hours prior to due date to confirm readiness.
14. New LSP Contact AT&T at negotiated time on due date to initiate order
15. AT&T Work with New LSP to complete order activity and help resolve any
troubles.NOTE: If New LSP does not contact AT&T on due date and
time, order activity will not be worked. AT&T will:

  • Send jeopardy notification to New LSP
  • Place order on hold for 1 business day If New LSP does not respond to
    jeopardy notification,
  • AT&T will cancel order and may apply appropriate ancillary

AT&T requires that the requesting LSP completes a Local Service Request (LSR) form and returns it to one of the AT&T Center as follows:

AT&T Local Network Services and AT&T Business VoIP (SPID 7125)

Monday – Friday 8:00 AM ET to 5:00 PM ET
Holiday Closings: New Years Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day (and the following Friday), and Christmas Day.

AT&T Digital Link (SPID 7421)

Online Submission

AT&T requires that the LSP obtain a Letter of Authorization (LOA) from the end-user prior to submitting an LSR (or other means as required by applicable laws and rules.)

The hours of operation for the AT&T Local Business LSRs:

AT&T Digital Link (SPID 7421)

Monday – Friday 8:00 AM ET to 5:00 PM ET

Holiday Closings: New Years Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day (and the following Friday), and Christmas Day.

AT&T Local Network Services and AT&T Business VoIP (SPID 7125)

Monday – Friday 8:00 AM ET to 5:00 PM ET

Holiday Closings: New Years Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day (and the following Friday), and Christmas Day

Questions should be directed during normal business hours to:

AT&T Digital Link (SPID 7421)

Customer Care 877-641-3409

AT&T Local Network Services and AT&T Business VoIP (SPID 7125)

LSRC Hotline (816) 609-6020

Note: AT&T employees do not have the authority to issue “verbal FOCs.”

Upon receipt of a complete and accurate LSR, AT&T will return on the FOC response, a confirmation service order number (ORD), firm order commitment (FOC) date, or due date and associated AT&T contact, should a concurrence in NPAC be required in escalation cases. Cutover support is provided via this service order number and contact information provided by AT&T on the FOC.

LSR Processing Interval

The LSR Confirmation will be sent within 48 hours for Business Local Network Services and Business VoIP of a receipt of the clean LSR. AT&T’s response interval does not begin until a complete and correct LSR is received from the LEC. LSRs received by the centers after 3:00 PM local time at the center will be counted as having been received on the following business day. If no contact has been received in the specified time frame, a follow up call to the appropriate center to inquire about the status of the service request should be made.

Note that this does not include intervals when 3rd party providers are involved.


If the LSR is not complete or accurate, a reject will be sent back to the LEC. This form will contain an explanation of the discrepancy and will be sent within 48 hours for Business Local Network Services and Business VoIP, and 48 for hours ADL of a receipt of the LSR.

Pending order activity on an account will result in a reject of a port away request. Please note that pending orders take 30 calendar days to complete for SPID 7125 and 30-45 days for SPID 7421.

As noted previously, the interval does not begin until AT&T has received a clean service request from the LEC. If the service request is not received by 3:00 PM local time, the due date is moved out by one business day, if necessary.

AT&T Digital Link (SPID 7421):

  • Minimum of 5 business day interval from PON submission to requested FOC date.
  • FOC is good ONLY for date provided. There is no grace period

AT&T Local Network Services and AT&T Business VoIP (SPID 7125):

  • Minimum of 3 business day interval from PON submission to requested FOC date.
  • FOC is good for 30 calendar days and no supp is needed for a due date change within 30 calendars days of FOC.
  • Projects intervals are on an individual case basic. (LSRs ranging more than 5000 lines and can include multiple location accounts totaling the same quantities.)

The gaining LEC must issue a supplemental order to AT&T to identify any changes in due dates, as well as changes or corrections to information provided on the original port out LSR. A supplemental order can only be sent after the original LSR has been confirmed, with a LSRC.

Supplemental orders will be accepted by AT&T up until 4 hours before the confirmed due date and time. This will ensure that the supplement order is worked expeditiously.

Changes to the original request that add an activity or additional numbers may impact the confirmed due date.

If a cutover is not complete by the confirmed due date and AT&T does not receive a supplemental order within 48 hours after the confirmed due date, the original port-out request will be canceled. The LSP will be notified of the cancellation.

AT&T accepts cancellation of a Local Order via re-send of LSR, up until 4 hours before the confirmed due date/time.

AT&T allows porting of DID blocks.

AT&T Local Network Services supports porting customers that have an existing arrangement with Local Network Services and an ILEC. In a 3 Way Porting situation all customer TNs, including the Local Network Services numbers associated with the ILEC’s provision RCF (remote call forwarding), must be included on the LSR. Both FOC interval and overall interval will be negotiated as a project.

AT&T supports partial port outs where the end user elects to convert only a subset of their TNs to another service provider and retains some portion of TNs with AT&T. AT&T requests that the Full/Partial port indicator is populate in order to assist AT&T identify the port requests intent. LSRs requesting a disconnect of some of the end user’s TNs are no longer acceptable. In other words, “AT&T will not disconnect unwanted TNs identified on a LSR port request”. The end user customer will need to contact AT&T directly (identified on their bill) in order to make arrangements for disconnecting any unwanted TNs.

If the customer’s BTN is being ported out, AT&T Business Local Network Services and AT&T Business VoIP require that a new BTN for the remaining TNs must be specified on the LSR.

AT&T Local Network Services, AT&T Business VoIP support Unconditional Ten Digit Trigger. Where technically feasible, AT&T will apply the ten-digit trigger to all TNs being ported out. The trigger is applied prior to the due date and removed after the due date.

When Triggers are not available, (due to switch/equipment limitations or customer preference), Coordinated Hot Cuts will be the only other option for performing port-outs.

AT&T Digital Link supports Coordinated Hot Cuts (CHC). This term describes a combined simultaneous effort between local service providers and customers to perform the completion of a local service request order. CHCs will be initiated by a phone call from the NSP to AT&T at the pre-arranged, agreed upon time for the port to occur. Should the NSP fail to call AT&T at the pre-arranged, agreed upon time, AT&T will issue notice to the NSP of a missed CHC, and keep the window open for 2 hours to complete the CHC. After 2 hours, the NSP will be required to submit a new LSR, and establish a new date and time for the CHC.

Translations for AT&T Digital Link (ADL) numbers are removed from the AT&T Switch the day after the port is complete (Due Date plus 1) by Noon EST.

AT&T will consider support of expedited port out interval on an individual case basis (via LSR with the expedite field populated) with particular focus on preventing emergency services (911, Police, Fire, Ambulance or Medical Facilities) from being out of service. However, this does not guarantee that shortened intervals can be met. If the New LSP is requesting an expedite, the LSP must call the appropriate center after sending the LSR via facsimile. This will enable AT&T to immediately start the ordering process. Once called, AT&T will assess the feasibility and respond with the appropriate due date.

AT&T marks as portable those NXXs that are available for porting in our switches and in the LERG.

The gaining LEC is responsible for any LIDB or CARE updates that may be required in connection with the port out.

AT&T does not require a Directory Services Request (DSR) for port outs. The gaining LEC is responsible for contacting and coordinating with the responsible carrier or directory assistance listing provider any DA/DL changes that may be required in connection with the port out.

AT&T will send a disconnect record to remove the record when the port request is identified as wireline to wireless.

The AT&T Digital Link (SPID 7421) and AT&T Local Network Services (SPID 7125) Business DA/DL “Hotline” for post-cutover account resolution is 877-295-6918.

The AT&T business VoIP (SPID 7125) DA/DL “Hotline” for post-cutover account resolution is 866-596-8464.

AT&T has adopted E911 NENA standards and will be able to process Unlocks (U) and Migrates (M) through SCC.

AT&T will send an unlock record to the ALI database to remove the ported number once the order is posted as complete. It is expected that the Unlock will be sent on the order due date. The gaining LEC will send a Migrate to the E911 ALI database to update the ALI record.

AT&T will send a disconnect record to the ALI database to remove the record when the port request is identified as wireline to wireless.

AT&T does not support porting TNs outside the customer’s rate center, per industry standards.

Note, AT&T only supports porting ‘working numbers.’

The ADL Disconnect Desk must be contacted if the customer is porting away all their numbers and want their AT&T T1 and AT&T Long Distance service disconnected.

Web Portal
Business Direct

The guidelines for handling escalations are:

  • The order activity was not completed by the confirmed due date and
  • The FOC was not received within the required timeframe.
  • NPAC conflict message needs to be resolved.
  • Allow 2-hour intervals for response at each level of escalation.

If an escalation is necessary, the LSP should call the appropriate

AT&T Digital Link (SPID 7421)

Escalations should be directed, during normal business hours, as

First point of contact: Customer Care
Second point of contact: Jill Gessner

(972) 747-3761

Third point of contact: Angela Winchester (214) 495-6100

AT&T Local Network Services (SPID 7125)

For AT&T Local Network Services on LSR status or confirmation issues pre-FOC

First point of contact LSRC Hot Line or (816) 609-6020
Second point of contact Jill Gessner

or (972) 747-3776

Third point of contact Angela Winchester (214) 495-6100

For AT&T Local Network Services Provisioning on translation or
concurrence issues post-FOC

First point of contact LNP Tier 2 Support Hotline
Second point of contact Jill Gessner

or (972) 747-3767

Third point of contact Angela Winchester (214) 495-6100

If you have more than 99 TN ranges or 99 individual TNs please follow the instructions below to submit as a project.

  • Please submit a PON for each site ID with 1 number on each LSR.
  • In the LSR please add a remark/comment of how many TNs are being ported and
    that this is a project and you are sending a spreadsheet with the TNs to Jill Gessner (

    • If submitting a sup, the same instructions are to be followed additionally
      noting what the change is and providing TNs to be removed or added.
  • Then prepare the spreadsheet with all the TNs per site id.
    • All TNs should be on the first column of the spreadsheet with no dashes,
      spaces or parenthesis in the TNs.
    • There should be no empty rows between the TNs.
    • Type End on the last row under the last TN.
    • Save the file as “97-2003 Excel Workbook” format.
  • When you have the spreadsheet and LSRC submitted through the portal please
    send an email to Jill Gessner ( or anyone listed as her
    alternative if you receive an out of office reply.