AT&T IP Toll-Free Service

This web site will help guide you through the various stages of implementation of your AT&T IP Toll-Free Service and provide you with the tools and training necessary to make the experience smooth.

Implementation Phases

Upon completion of the contracting process for AT&T IP Toll-Free Service, your AT&T account representative will place the service order and AT&T will work with you to understand your specific needs and provision your service accordingly.

Life Cycle

Upon service activation, your AT&T IP Toll-Free Service is transferred to Maintenance. You can now use AT&T Business Center to place requests for change orders, open trouble tickets, view your bills as well as several other functions and features.

Technical Support

AT&T IP Toll-Free Service provides you with the support you need to get your service up and running as well as helping troubleshoot any problems you may have with your service. 

Training and Reference

These training tools will provide you with the description of the features as well as provide you with audio-visual tutorials to help make learning the service easier.